Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Come to the Edge!

A blind man had been waiting a while at a busy road for someone to offer to guide him across, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Excuse me," said the tapper, "I’m blind – would you mind guiding me across the road?"The first blind man took the arm of the second blind man, and they both crossed the road. The first blind man was the jazz pianist George Shearing. He is quoted (in Bartlett’s Anecdotes) as saying after the event, "What could I do? I took him across and it was the biggest thrill of my life."

There are times when we think we cannot do something and so do not stretch or take a risk. Being forced to stretch and take a risk can often help us to reduce our dependencies (on others, or our own personal safety mechanisms), and to discover new excitement and capabilities. There is a place in you where you have never been wounded, where there's a seamlessness in you, and where there is confidence and tranquility.

Come to the edge.

We might fall.

Come to the edge.

It’s too high!


And they came,

and he pushed,

and they flew…!

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US!  

We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Patience is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. I prayed for a lesson in patience once; be careful what you pray for! I am much more patient today, and hope to be more so tomorrow.

The 7 days of thought included the words; Gratitude, Love, Hope, Compassion, Generosity, Laughter and Patience, all very important words for anyone, and some that I have given deep reflection on. What do they mean to you? I am going to explore, myself, each of these words a bit more and bit deeper, maybe do some journaling on/with. I hope you take a moment to reflect on how these words have impacted, changed or created new life for you. Peace, Love and Smiles for us all…

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Monday, August 29, 2011


Laughter is defined as a reaction to certain stimuli; fundamentally stress, which serves as an emotional balancing mechanism. It is considered a visual expression of happiness, or an inward feeling of joy which may ensue from hearing a joke, being tickled, or other stimuli. I believe we can never laugh enough and need to give ourselves permission to laugh more often as it is contagious and good medicine.

Gratitude, Love, Hope, Compassion and Generosity; words that can be so defining for one’s life, journey, character, and future… And perhaps it is laughter is something that helps bridge all of these words together in difficult times, it can remind us of the essence of youth and when they laugh how pure it is.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Generosity is the habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return. It can involve offering time, assets or talents to aid someone in need. How do you share you with others? Is it time, treasures or talents? Volunteering, mentoring, or lending a hand… I am mindful of what we have today (I didn’t have it yesterday and I may not have it tomorrow!) I witness that sharing is caring and is good!

Gratitude, Love, Hope, Compassion and Generosity; words that can be so defining for one’s life, journey, character, and future… What do these words mean to you?

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Compassion is a uniquely human quality. Compassion is made up of two words. 'co' meaning together and 'passion' meaning a strong feeling. And this is what compassion is. When we see someone is in distress and we feel their pain as if it were our own, and strive to eliminate or lessen their pain, then this is compassion. I have been the recipient and give of compassion, it is humbling to experience both.

Gratitude, Love, Hope and now compassion. These four words certainly have had a substantial impact in my journey in life. I am most grateful for the experiences I have been allowed to be a part of. Thank you thank you thank you!

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Friday, August 26, 2011


Hope is the emotional state which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances. It is the “feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best." Hope has been a component of helping me get on track. It helps me visualize the end desired outcome. It has also helped me be in place to comfort or support others when they can’t seem to see or feel hope.

Gratitude and Love are two words that seem to fit nicely together and when you add the word Hope, it begins to create a bit of a culture of thinking, believing and living. I am a blessed man to have experienced gratitude, love and hope and share them in my life.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Love is a word that is hard to define at times. You can love your parents, love your favorite pair of jeans and love your spouse and they all mean three very different things. Perhaps it is the kindness, compassion, passion, affection and actions that we have, share, believe and know. I am grateful for the love I was raised with, the love I have been shown, the love that I know and the love I can share.

Gratitude and Love are two words that seem to fit nicely together. I am very blessed to have experienced them both in my life, share them both and still learn about them both.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Gratitude may be defined as; thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive. To some that also defines grace. Today I will think about how gratitude affects my life; how I display gratitude, and how I share gratitude.

There are times in my life where I have expected grace to be given to me. There are times when someone gave me favor, benefit or kindness when I perhaps did not deserve it or was “alive” enough to know what a gift I was receiving.

Enlightenment comes in many forms, for me I believe that your life experiences can be one path that helps reveal truths, understandings and lessons that have been written.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Wedding Officiant,Wedding Minister,Funeral Minister,Premarital Coaching,Couples Coaching,Life Coaching,Marriage License,Wedding License,Memorial Planning,GLBT,Gay Wedding

I say thank you to my experiences with hurdles, tough love and life lessons. I have and continue to learn from each of them. They all have helped make me who I am. There but for the grace of God, go I!

I certainly have made mistakes!

I certainly made choices that were not in the best interest of me or anyone else.

I certainly had lessons handed to me on a platter, only to say no thank you, I pass.

I certainly had hurdles, some I put there myself, some were gifts, some just a part of life.

I don't have a poster that lists all the details AND I am learning from those times AND and I am proud of who I have become, partly, because of those times in my life.

For me, it is the grace given me by God, my family, my friends, and strangers (perhaps angels at times) who DID have my best interests in mind. They believed in me. They knew me. They loved me.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Monday, August 22, 2011

I can

Edward Hale wrote “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something I can do.” This is so true for each of us; at work, at home, in relationships, in worship, in most every aspect of our lives. It’s not about I think I can, it is about yes I will!

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Seasons of

This summer I have learned that in me resides a raging spring that is ready to be unleashed. I know that it takes each season to grow, learn, be, and prepare. I am at peace with my piece of life. I am grateful for the many blessings I have. I love, the love that I know.

The spring that is in me is a source of life, truth, love, enlightenment. Perhaps not the source of life, truth, love and enlightenment for you, and it may include you. I pray daily, I think moment my moment, I meditate, I remain still,and I exist all the while with family, friends and the needs and actions of the world on my mind.

Happy Sunday to you, Namaste!

I offer the following words "I give thanks to God, the earth, the spirituality that connects each living being, our foremothers and forefathers, and the universe that allows us a place to live. I pray, hope and make room for health, love and peace for us all. I pray, hope and make room for each of us to share live, love, peace and our journey of enlightenment, in the many things that are good, true and love: AMEN"

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Family

Annoying, caring, chaotic, heredity, important, laughter, love, Mom, unforgettable… words that remind me of family (given or chosen.)

I have a small given family, I was raised in a single parent family, it was just mom and I. My Sister passed away when I was 25, my brothers Royal (yes we share the same name) and Shawn are still alive. I have a much bigger family now, because of in-laws. I always wanted nieces and nephews, and I have them now! There is nothing like a child calling you “Uncle Royal” I LOVE IT! (ok, it almost brings me to tears…)

Despite my life journey, the mistakes, trials and tribulations my family has never turned their back on me, never stopped loving me and never stopped being a fan. And, as I have said before, as I get older, Mom gets smarter J

You can’t live without them, and I wouldn’t want to!

Chaplain Royal

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors.,,,,,,,,,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Celebration of Community

I volunteered with the American Red Cross Disaster Services. After several calls to service, I grew attracted to responding to small town disasters; the people from smaller towns were more open to serving, helping and doing whatever they could to help others (I think those pies tasted just a little bit better too…) I give thanks & celebrate those who serve others. Thank you for you!

I also remember volunteering security with the Sheriffs Explorer Unit at the County Fair each year. I always chose the VFW or American Legion food booth to eat. Their hamburgers tasted better, and I always got a bigger piece of pie than the chain food booth down the walk.

This is all not to say that big city folks don’t know hospitality, because we do. I worked in the hotel industry in Omaha for many years, home to Brookshire Hathaway Investors weekend, NCAA Mens College World Series, The 2nd largest Zoo in the US; Henry Doorly Zoo and of course Strat Comm (Formally Strategic Air Command) and we enjoy millions of visitors to our city each year, commenting on how wonderful and warm our hospitality is.

I think the most wonderful comment about our city is when Jonathan moved to Omaha from the East coast. And within 6 months of being here he witnessed a storm (it IS Nebraska!) and many trees feel all over the place. What he observed was normal to me, everyone out in the street helping each other. He said, “Oh my, you all help each other here?” “Back east, most people would look out their door and then go back in.” I like that it IS about people helping people, neighbor helping neighbor. Human serving human.

In these days we seemed glued to our text messages, emails and time on the internet. I wonder how do we get to know our neighbors, friends, how do we keep in touch with family. How does that happen now?

Perhaps it is serving up that bigger piece of pie and sharing…

Chaplain Royal

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors.,,,,,,,,,

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


In this world, in our communities, in your life we must understand and know that DIFFERENCE is a cause for celebration, not a cause for violence or indifference. As Summer makes way for Fall it is time to prepare the ground for a change of season and prepare our hearts to learn, grow and love. How will you prepare yourself? What are you willing to accept?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Are you the one?

Are you the one?

Are you the one who thinks that you are not worthy of that job?

Or are you the one who thinks that you are not smart?

Perhaps you’re the one who thinks that only bad things happen to you.

Are you the one who insists that there is no one special for you on earth?

Or are you the one who thinks that you are not good looking enough?

Perhaps you’re t he one who thinks that you are not beautiful.

Are you the one who insists that you have no friends?

Or are you the one who thinks that no one can ever be trusted?

Perhaps you’re the one who thinks that they are not loved.

Are you the one who insists that your health can’t get any better?

Or are you the one who thinks that no one cares why should you?

Perhaps you’re the one who thinks that you are not worthy.

Are you the one who is reading this and some of it sounds like you?

Or are you the one who is thinking that all of it sounds like you?

Perhaps you’re the one who needs to hear this message…

You are beautiful

You are loved

You are worthy

I hope you are the one who will take time to realize that you matter. I pray that you make time to get to know you, and like you and love you. If you don’t, how can you expect anyone else to do the same? I will always have time to listen, care and help if you let me. I hope you, in turn, will do the same for someone else when they are in need. Love, not money, is what matters most in life.

Three life lessons for you to absorb; To the world, you may only be one person. To one person, YOU may be THE world! Those that matter, don’t mind. Those that mind, don’t matter! And, if you always do what you have always done you will always get what you always got.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Saturday, something to think about

The Book of the Teacher reads “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven; A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.” In the 60’s Turn Turn Turn was a popular song. The words today have just as much relevance. Pause for a moment and think about what season you are living in now.

I have been told that there are four seasons to a man’s life…

1. 1. The time that he believes in Santa

2. 2. The time that he no longer believes in Santa

3. 3. The time he wants to be Santa

4. 4. The time he looks like Santa

I do believe that at some point all of us try and “seek my face” (God) and in other words, try to find ourselves, our truth, more enlightenment. There is a time that we are born that we have no control over and a time to die which, normally, we have no control over. What we DO have control over is the choices of what happens in between. The time to plant love, relationships, help, culture, nurturing. The time to laugh and live or the time to experience and weep. These are all choices that we have free agency of, and depending where you are at in your life journey, your choices and outcomes will be very different.

I CAN BE THE CHANGE I SEEK IN THIS WORLD… I will rejoice, I will do good while I live, I will see the fruits of my labor, and I will be grateful for the gifts I have been given.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors.,,,,,,,,,

Friday, August 12, 2011

Family Friday

For many, family traditions counter alienation & confusion, they help define who we are; they provide something consistent in an ever changing world. It is also said that family “life” can be bitter, operating with no rules so wounds take longer to heal, if at all. I know families have their own characteristics. I am most happy to with my families, given and chosen. They all make me a better person.

As the story a young man had a mom only had one eye. He hated her… she was such an embarrassment. She cooked for students and teachers to support the family. There was this one day during elementary school where mom came to say hello to him. He was so embarrassed. How could she do this to him? He ignored her, threw her a hateful look and ran out. The next day at school one of his classmates said, ‘EEEE, your mom only has one eye!’

He wanted to bury myself. He also wanted his mom to just disappear. He confronted her that day and said, ‘ If you’re only gonna make me a laughing stock, why don’t you just die?’ Mom did not respond… he didn’t stop to think for a second about what he had said, because he was full of anger, oblivious to her feelings.

He wanted out of that house, and have nothing to do with her. So he studied real hard, got a chance to go abroad to study. He then got married and bought a house. He had kids and was happy with his life. Then one day, his Mother came to visit. She hadn’t seen him in years and had never meet her grandchildren or his wife.

When she stood by the door, my children laughed at her, and I yelled at her for coming over uninvited. He screamed at her, ‘How dare you come to my house and scare my children!’ GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!’ And to this, his mother quietly answered, ‘Oh, I’m so sorry. I may have gotten the wrong address,’ and she disappeared out of sight. One day, a letter regarding a school reunion came to my house. So I lied to my wife that I was going on a business trip. After the reunion, I went to the old shack just out of curiosity. My neighbors said that she died. I did not shed a single tear. They handed me a letter that she had wanted me to have.

“My dearest son,

I think of you all the time. I’m sorry that I came to your house and scared your children. I was so glad when I heard you were coming for the reunion. But I may not be able to even get out of bed to see you. I’m sorry that I was a constant embarrassment to you when you were growing up. You see……..when you were very little, you got into an accident, and lost your eye. As a mother, I couldn’t stand watching you having to grow up with one eye. So I gave you mine. I was so proud of my son who was seeing a whole new world for me, in my place, with that eye.

With all my love to you,

Your mother.”

I understand that not every single person enjoys a supportive, healthy, loving, nurturing, positive relationship with members of their family, and sometimes some have struggle, so hard, to maintain any type of relationship and/or contact. The message I share today is that you can choose to accept you family as they are or not. Some people have created a “chosen family”, which for some has replaced their given family or is in addition to their given family. Whatever your choice, be at peace with it, embrace it and give yourself permission to live and get on with your life.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors.,,,,,,,,,

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tibetan Thursdays

It has been said that until we achieve inner peace, peace in the outer world is not possible. This quote, in my belief, goes hand in hand with that great Jimi Hendrix quote “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

Some people have very high standards for themselves and others. So high that neither may be reached, which often causes many relationship and personal health issues. Some people set no standards or goals and wonder in life without focus or knowing purpose or passion. And yet others are at peace with themselves, life and others.

Think of where you have been, where you are at if there are any changes you need to make. You can be the change you seek in this world.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors.,,,,,,,,,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wakening Wednesday

Patty Hearst said that “For me, my awakening came when I was kidnapped.” For some it is a medical condition such as a stroke, heart attack, or cancer. For others it may be a near accident, crash, or mishap. For others it may be reading text that resonates with them. It may take more than one life event for us to “wake up” and begin to understand our passions, gifts and purpose. Be still and know…

There are many ways that we could wake up from living the life we are. Some might say that there is nothing wrong with how I am living my life, and perhaps sometimes that may be accurate. I think that many of us can have those “ah ha” moments at various ages, times and locations. Like that “2x4” that some of us often talk about being hit with, sometimes it take more than one time, more than one experience, more than one whack before we get it.

I have had 2-3 of those moments in my life. The first was a heart attack in 2001, the other is when I was told that God has a message for me. And perhaps another. My point is not if you have one or not, but what it is we do with our life AFTER we have one. Do we ignore it, explore it or fight it? I ignored one, started to fight with one which lead to exploring and embracing it. My life has never been the same since. THANK GOODNESS!

I can be the change that I seek in this world… I will remember that I am the most influential person who I will hear all day. So, I should be very careful what I say.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors.,,,,,,,,,

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


How do you define generosity? It is said that generosity is giving, receiving AND dancing; When you give, you find that the compassion felt around you is contagious & it creates community. When you receive, you discover abundance, you realize generosity exists in so many different ways. And finally, when you dance, you give and receive with a natural rhythm, helping to create a community built on generosity.

The word entitlement sure has been used a lot by most all politicians. The word can sometimes flood or blur the thoughts of people when it comes to generosity. Why should I give to “those” people when they don’t help themselves. Why should I give MY money to those people, they should have their own money. OR here is one… We give to those people once a year, our church takes up a collection for them.

Generosity can be a way of life. When we care enough to share without expecting something in return you can see the good that ripples through that person/persons and it can be a bit contagious. Then, sometimes when you least expect it, you will receive and you learn something new… abundance! You understand that generosity exists in so many different ways and can come from most any direction, sometimes from the least expected source.

When a lot of giving and receiving is happening at the same time, you naturally begin to dance, that’s right! Your body is moving in a natural rhythm helping to create a community that is based on generosity that when others, new to your group, see feel, see and experience this contagious behavior of love.

I CAN BE THE CHANGE I SEEK IN THIS WORLD… I know that what I have done for myself alone dies with me; what I have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday Morning Memory

Growing up in small town Bellevue, I would ride my bike a mile or two to get milk or bread. Sometimes I would forget the money at home or drop a quarter, and the store always sent me home with what we needed and mom settled up the next time she was in. I never feared traveling without my mom. I knew when to be home and where I was allowed to go. And didn’t change course without her knowing. (can you believe we did this without email, text messages or cell phones?) LOL

I wonder if anyone would allow children to travel 1-2 miles on a bike today, alone? Would a store send a child home without full payment? I find comfort knowing I experienced life during a time that life was like that… safe, happy, community, predictable.

I know that times change, people change, I get that. I think it would be nice if we could maintain a type of world that would allow for those same experiences for others.

I CAN BE THE CHANGE I SEEK IN THIS WORLD… I can remember that I am a reflection of my community just as my community mirrors who lives in it.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006 [TEXT ‘ceremony’ to 90210 for TEXT info!]

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors.,,,,,,,,,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Something to Share on Sunday

When I first read the quote “Compassion is the radicalism of our time” I thought having compassion is something that should not be radical and is something that we should all strive to practice and share.

I thought about the quote today. I normally post in the morning, but I needed to ponder this one a bit longer. I think about reading newspapers and magazines, not a lot of compassion in those stories. I watch TV and movies and I see violence and reality shows. All the time I observe my fellow human beings, and politicians, and I believe that the Dalai Lama has the quote right on.

The Dalai Lama goes on to say that “Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival.”

Compassion can be explained as a virtue; one in which the emotional capacities of empathy and sympathy (for the suffering of others) are regarded as a part of love itself, and a cornerstone of greater social interconnection and humanism.

Compassion allows each of us to relate with one another because you no longer regard people as interruptions. Compassion allows us to slow down or stop and allows us to hear, see and feel nothing but the person whom we are focusing on.

I can be the change we seek in this world… We can practice planned acts of compassion with and for others.

I offer to share the following prayer with you today “Heavenly father we come to you this day in prayer, this time of stillness. We give thanks for the many blessings in our life, we ask for continued help to share love, gifts and lessons with others. We ask for lessons for all in help share and spread compassion with one another. In your precious name we pray, Amen.”

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006 [TEXT ‘ceremony’ to 90210 for TEXT info!]

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors.,,,,,,,,,

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Saturday Morning

God has no blackberry, but is my favorite contact ... He does not have Facebook, but is my best Friend ... He does not have twitter, but I still follow Him ... And even without internet, I am always have a way to connect with the Sacred! What do we do with that extra time that it saves us? Do we allow ourselves periods of the day to; pray, meditate, be silent, be still, soak, relax, and just be?

God has no blackberry, but is my favorite contact ... He does not have Facebook, but is my best Friend ... He does not have twitter, but I still follow Him ... And even without internet, I am always have a way to connect with the Sacred! Texting, emailing, internet… in all the many ways we now use to communicate with one another, it sure does save time. What do we do with that extra time that it saves us? Do we allow ourselves periods of the day to; pray, meditate, be silent, be still, soak, relax, and just be?

Regardless of your religion, your path or how you choose to live your life; it is important that you do so with meaning, integrity, and within the boundaries you have established for yourself. Living in community with others, worshiping with others in community helps some stay accountable to their beliefs.

Do we preach one thing and do another? Do we teach one thing and do another? Do we walk the walk or just talk the talk?

One of my favorite lines to use after worship is “now that worship has ended, let the service begin” that can be service for what ails us, service to our family, friends, others, neighbors, co-workers, strangers!

I can be the change that I seek in this world… I know to be faithful in small things because it is in them that my strength lies.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006 [TEXT ‘ceremony’ to 90210 for TEXT info!]

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors.,,,,,,,,,

Friday, August 5, 2011

Family Friday

Some people have families with many relatives that share that common lineage, the given family. Others have assembled a family made up of various people, a family of choice. I am reminded of two quotes; “You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.” -Desmond Tutu and; Barbra Bush “To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.”Celebrate your family!

I do not come from a large family myself. I was adopted within my family at birth, my grandmother adopted me from her daughter when I was born. I was raised in a single parent family. As I grew up I met the few of our relatives that still were living, many had passed by the time I was a teenager. Today, at 43, I can count on two hands of what family I have left. Having in laws helps a lot, I now have a set of nephews and nieces I LOVE IT! But that isn’t enough.

I need that, I want that, I embrace it; the need for a symbiotic family of aunt like, uncle like, brother like, sister like people whom you count on as they had been in your life since birth (and maybe they have!) They may not look like me, live near me, think like me, act like me, or even live like me AND they love me. They love me for the way I look, despite where I live, how I think, how I act, “they like me, they really, really like me!” And with every fiber in my being, I return the same to them!

Although the thought of having a “chosen” family unit is foreign to some (yes I have met them) the concept is VERY much practiced and in use today by many of us.

Regardless of the type of families you are a part of, celebrate them, love them, give thanks for them, do not take them for granted, take time for them, listen to them, let them know what they mean to you, treat them… like family.

I can be the change I seek in this world… I know the love of a family is a great blessing of life.

We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006 [TEXT ‘ceremony’ to 90210 for TEXT info!]

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors.,,,,,,,,,

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tibetan Thursdays

Wedding Officiant,Wedding Minister,Funeral Minister,Premarital Coaching,Couples Coaching,Life Coaching,Marriage License,Wedding License,Memorial Planning,GLBT,Gay Wedding

“Learn to tame your mind and never spoil the mind of others.” When asked by a guest where to go for good nightlife a hotel clerk responded by saying all the places that she didn’t like and to stay away from, which left only 1-2 suggestions. I wondered how the guest felt, new city, needing help and was told more places not to go to. I will remember that the only disability in life is a bad attitude.

I study done last year by Group Publishing noted Churches are not the top spot for being the most friendliest place in town. I think that it is most interesting to see and read what “those other people” think of churches? How do their assumptions about “our” faith communities compare with our own assumptions about how we’re seen or how “we” experience it?

At a local church I was named Minister of Hospitality, so we toured other cities and other churches to see what happened between the “Sidewalk and Sanctuary.” Most of the time my experience fell right into what this survey says. I was invisible most of the time, ignored, and only greeted when it was time to ask for money, information or to volunteer.

I get that church life for many (including myself) is about being a part of a family. You worship together, share, grow, live, volunteer, eat, and become part of a family within a family! For the first time or 5th time attendee, how do they fit in?, how do they feel, are they a welcomed guest or “one of those other people…”

The same can be said of us at work, shopping, eating, volunteering, etc. How do we interact with those whom we know (even those whom we may not have on the Christmas Card List) versus those complete “strangers?” Do we all follow the Golden Rule of treating others as we wish to be treated? Perhaps an updated twist is that we should NOT treat others the same way we wish not to be treated!

I hope, pray and give thought that regardless of what anyone’s faith believe, life path or choices that choose to make, that we all spend time thinking about how what we say and do affects us, those around us and those whom we do not know.

We can be the change we seek in this world… I will remember that kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis, so we are here to provide care & services to everyone regardless of they attend worship or not. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006 [TEXT ‘ceremony’ to 90210 for TEXT info!]

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Waggle Wednesday

“I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.” -Winston Churchill. How many of us talk to our pets as if they were humans ready to answer us? I didn’t say they couldn’t understand us because I know sometimes they can feel our emotions and care for us in ways that can bring us to tears! What do you love most about your pet?

It was just a month ago when I was home alone, the truth be told I should have went to the hospital to what ailed me. I was not feeling well or getting around well and my cat “Kitty” new it. She walked when I walked, laid down when I laid down and sat where I sat. At one point, I was feeling the worst, she hopped up on my lap, looked me in the eyes and started “talking” (meowing) at me, nudged me on the nose and started purring so loudly anyone in the room could have heard it. She gave me exceptionally needed love, care, and attention that day that I will never forget.

No pets are not humans and pets are every part of family as human beings are. Celebrate your family, all of them!

Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis, so we are here to provide care & services to everyone regardless of they attend worship or not. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006 [TEXT ‘ceremony’ to 90210 for TEXT info!]

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tall Grass Tuesdays

"The trouble with organizing a thing is that pretty soon folks get to paying more attention to the organization than to what they're organized for." -Laura Ingalls Wilder. Simple words during simple times, I wonder if the grandparents of her time thought that their young lives were more simple too? Church, fundraiser, help, work, life, family we do get caught up in what too and how for’s don’t we?

I remember watching Little House on the Prairie. “Oh Paw…” she would exclaim. “Times were so simple then…” I hear. I perhaps use it too. But were they? Did they not have issues of trust, faith, family, government, laws, choices, work, etc. Nonetheless life without all of our modern inventions might seem similar to some of us. Perhaps it was because we took the time to smell the flowers, we had no cars and we had to walk through the fields so laying down and watching clouds was perfectly normal. Now we stop to smell the $9 coffee at Starbucks!

We all can take time, make time and share time to breathe in the basics of what our life is. Air, love, and light.

Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis, so we are here to provide care & services to everyone regardless of they attend worship or not. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006 [TEXT ‘ceremony’ to 90210 for TEXT info!]

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors. Inclusive Life Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital Coaching-Funeral Ministers Universal Life Church Social Network (and information) 2 Grooms 2 Brides Same Sex Weddings for Council Bluffs, Iowa Religious and Nonreligious Weddings in the Omaha area Religious and Nonreligious Weddings in the Lincoln area Religious and Nonreligious Weddings in the Council Bluffs area Spiritual Friends of Lincoln Nebraska worship & fellowship Inclusive Life Funeral Ministers serving Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa Wedding and Ceremony Officiates All About Weddings

Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday Morning Memory

The Monday Morning Memory I would like to share with you today is one of my most cherished. I grew up in Bellevue, a small city outside of Omaha. The highlight of the summer would be annual parade and volunteer fire department water fights! They would string a bucket on what looked like a VERY tall clothes line and then “fight” to use water to push the bucket to the opposite teams pole. We reenacted this at home!

Of course this was followed by the parade which was just the best. MANY fire engines, sirens, lights flashing, rescue squads, police cars, bands, neat floats that threw out free candy that we could eat! The day seemed to last forever! And everyone in the entire city came!

I don’t know, now, if it was because I was with my mom and other family members and we were simply together or if all those lights, sirens and people in the parade made the day. I suspect a bit of both. I am 43 and I get just as excited today seeing a fire engine roaring to their next call as I did when I was 10. I hope that it is still the kid in me.

I have fond memories of growing up, thanks mom! I love you. Happy Monday everyone, may peace, love, hope and a Monday Memory of your own be with you…

Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis, so we are here to provide care & services to everyone regardless of they attend worship or not. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.

(402) 575-7006 [TEXT ‘ceremony’ to 90210 for TEXT info!]

Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services. Inclusive Life is a member in good standing with American Association of Wedding Officiant’s. We receive training from the International Association of Faith Based Counselors. Inclusive Life Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital Coaching-Funeral Ministers Universal Life Church Social Network (and information) 2 Grooms 2 Brides Same Sex Weddings for Council Bluffs, Iowa Religious and Nonreligious Weddings in the Omaha area Religious and Nonreligious Weddings in the Lincoln area Religious and Nonreligious Weddings in the Council Bluffs area Spiritual Friends of Lincoln Nebraska worship & fellowship Inclusive Life Funeral Ministers serving Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa Wedding and Ceremony Officiates All About Weddings