Saturday, April 30, 2011


There are so many lessons that animals teach us. Turtles teach us that if we don’t stick our necks out, we won’t go anywhere.

There are plenty of naysayers. There are plenty of those who say can’t do that. There are plenty of those who will say we tried that before.

Be a turtle, stick your head out and move a head. BE THE CHANGE!


“Serving all without exception-Open-Affirming-Inclusive-Care-Services-Worship”

105 S. 49th Street, Suite E

Omaha, NE 68132

(402) 575-7006

INCLUSIVE CARE-Pastoral Care, Funeral Ministers, Rites of Passage, Sacraments

INCLUSIVE SERVICES-Premarital Coaching, Life Coaching, Coaching for Couples

INCLUSIVE CEREMONIES [Text CEREMONY to 90210 for text info!]

Wedding Officiants, vow renewals, commitment ceremonies, and holy unions

INCLUSIVE WORSHIP-Lincoln, NE 1st/3rd Sun. 12pm-1 Fellowship. 1pm-Worship

INCLUSIVE OUTREACH-Community service outreach and volunteerism

Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday (yes, it IS finally here!)

The great Maya Angelou shared these thoughts with us…

"I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as "making a life."

"I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance."

"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw some things back."

"I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision."

What have you leaned in life so far?

What piece of wisdom do you have to share with others?


“Serving all without exception-Open-Affirming-Inclusive-Care-Services-Worship”

105 S. 49th Street, Suite E

Omaha, NE 68132

(402) 575-7006

INCLUSIVE CARE-Pastoral Care, Funeral Ministers, Rites of Passage, Sacraments

INCLUSIVE SERVICES-Premarital Coaching, Life Coaching, Coaching for Couples

INCLUSIVE CEREMONIES [Text CEREMONY to 90210 for text info!]

Wedding Officiants, vow renewals, commitment ceremonies, and holy unions

INCLUSIVE WORSHIP-Lincoln, NE 1st/3rd Sun. 12pm-1 Fellowship. 1pm-Worship

INCLUSIVE OUTREACH-Community service outreach and volunteerism

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Challenge

Erica Jong said “Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow the talent to the dark place where it leads.”

"Britain's Got Talent" Edward Reid became an instant celebrity when he brought down the house reciting nursery rhymes (Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle and ended with If You’re Happy and you know it…)

What are your hidden talents? Do something unexpected-something you've always wanted to do.


“Serving all without exception-Open-Affirming-Inclusive-Care-Services-Worship”

105 S. 49th Street, Suite E

Omaha, NE 68132

(402) 575-7006

INCLUSIVE CARE-Pastoral Care, Funeral Ministers, Rites of Passage, Sacraments

INCLUSIVE SERVICES-Premarital Coaching, Life Coaching, Coaching for Couples

INCLUSIVE CEREMONIES [Text CEREMONY to 90210 for text info!]

Wedding Officiants, vow renewals, commitment ceremonies, and holy unions

INCLUSIVE WORSHIP-Lincoln, NE 1st/3rd Sun. 12pm-1 Fellowship. 1pm-Worship

INCLUSIVE OUTREACH-Community service outreach and volunteerism

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday Wisdom

TIME OUT! Sometimes we got them as kids by our parents or teachers. Sometimes we give them as parents or teachers. Sometimes we are given them by other sources! I submit that perhaps it is time to give yourself a time out! Even if just a few moments, allowing yourself a few minutes to catch you breath and center yourself will make a world of difference!

At work, at home or any time that you “full” try this: Give yourself a moment to take a time out. It can restore clarity, confidence, focus and help bring a sense of calm as your body restores itself.

All you need, basically, is you! You can begin by finding a location will allow you not to be disturbed. Maybe that is in your car, a restroom, a corner, a closet, at your desk. You can find somewhere.

Allow yourself to sit comfortably. Uncross arms and legs. Relax. You can place your arms on your legs if you like, be comfortable. Now allow your eyes to close slowly. Relax. Let the weight of your eye lids close them all the way as it does it takes with it the tension and tightness in your face and shoulders. Release those muscles in your shoulders allow the tightness and stress to flow away. Down and out. Now:


Take a most deep breath in.

Again, a deep breath.

Take in life, peace, goodness

Now exhale, let the stress, negative thoughts, un-needed negative emotions go.

Let go of carbon dioxide.

Let go of all that upsets you; that sometimes takes your breath away.


Deeply, take in oxygen, nutrients, healing air.

Exhale the part of you that feels stuck, that is afraid, that is upset

Exhale what ails you

Let it go, let it out, so you can be free


Allow yourself a few moments just to “be”

Breathing slowly, deeply, intentionally, meaningfully

Breathing with new life, new energy, clean air, clean energy

Some time outs can last entire lunch period, while others can range from a few short minutes to perhaps a coffee break.

You will find that these time outs will be addicting and will enable you to get through the day like you never have before. The best of all, it costs you nothing, yet the return on your investment of time is incredible!


“Serving all without exception-Open-Affirming-Inclusive-Care-Services-Worship”

105 S. 49th Street, Suite E

Omaha, NE 68132

(402) 575-7006

INCLUSIVE CARE-Pastoral Care, Funeral Ministers, Rites of Passage, Sacraments

INCLUSIVE SERVICES-Premarital Coaching, Life Coaching, Coaching for Couples

INCLUSIVE CEREMONIES [Text CEREMONY to 90210 for text info!]

Wedding Officiants, vow renewals, commitment ceremonies, and holy unions

INCLUSIVE WORSHIP-Lincoln, NE 1st/3rd Sun. 12pm-1 Fellowship. 1pm-Worship

INCLUSIVE OUTREACH-Community service outreach and volunteerism

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Come to the edge!

Listen hard. Encourage Laughter. Play Often.

Practice wellness!

Continue to grow and learn...

Appreciate your friends and family (TELL THEM!)

Lead or follow a leader!

Do what you love. Love what you do.

REMEMBER: You are beautiful-loved-worthy (just as you are!)


“Serving all without exception-Open-Affirming-Inclusive-Care-Services-Worship”

105 S. 49th Street, Suite E

Omaha, NE 68132

(402) 575-7006

INCLUSIVE CARE-Pastoral Care, Funeral Ministers, Rites of Passage, Sacraments

INCLUSIVE SERVICES-Premarital Coaching, Life Coaching, Coaching for Couples

INCLUSIVE CEREMONIES [Text CEREMONY to 90210 for text info!]

Wedding Officiants, vow renewals, commitment ceremonies, and holy unions

INCLUSIVE WORSHIP-Lincoln, NE 1st/3rd Sun. 12pm-1 Fellowship. 1pm-Worship

INCLUSIVE OUTREACH-Community service outreach and volunteerism

Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday's Metaphor

Monday’s Metaphor: Spring and "springtime" refer to the season, and broadly to ideas of rebirth, renewal and regrowth. Just as it is time for vegetation to be born and come alive again it is time for us to consider doing the same.

It most claimants we can now walk, jog, ride and be outdoors. We need activity in our lives to help our minds, bodies and spirits fresh, healthy and alert!

What are you doing… NOT what will you do, but what are you doing to be the change in your own life? YOU are the only one preventing yourself from doing it!


“Serving all without exception-Open-Affirming-Inclusive-Care-Services-Worship”

105 S. 49th Street, Suite E

Omaha, NE 68132

(402) 575-7006

INCLUSIVE CARE-Pastoral Care, Funeral Ministers, Sacraments

INCLUSIVE SERVICES-Premarital Coaching, Life Coaching, Coaching for Couples

INCLUSIVE CEREMONIES [Text CEREMONY to 90210 for text info!]

Wedding Officiants, vow renewals, commitment ceremonies, and holy unions

INCLUSIVE WORSHIP-Lincoln, NE 1st/3rd Sun. 12pm-1 Fellowship. 1pm-Worship

INCLUSIVE OUTREACH-Community service outreach and volunteerism

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter Sunday

Good morning and Happy Easter for all whom our celebrating this Holy Day! I am reminded of a particular song a friend of mine sings, some of the words are “…lead me to the rock the rock that’s higher, higher than I.” Sometimes we all need a rock that is higher than we are to gain a different perspective on life. See things from a different angle. Today’s message is about flowers and the different perspective that we can gain from their beauty.

Red, yellow, white, burgundy, pink, peach… color variations of a flower we call the rose. Roses are a lot like people… people of different countries, religious, nationalities, orientations and ethnicities. A rose, despite many color variations is; a rose. Similarly despite our many variations; we are ALL human beings deserving of respect, dignity, freedom and life! Diversity is one true thing we all share!

Although the rose is universal recognized by most everyone, some have special meaning. Pink roses indicate: Appreciation, "Thank you", Grace, Perfect Happiness, Admiration, Gentleness. Red roses indicate: Love, Beauty, Courage and Respect, Romantic Love, Congratulations, "I Love You", "Job Well Done", Sincere Love, Respect, Courage & Passion. Currently a 28 year-old peace activist in Nepal is bringing people in conflict areas together through one simple act: giving a rose to a stranger.

On your way to work, worship, school or while in the store… take a moment to think about the types of people whom you would not normally take time to start up a conversation with. (Handing out a rose would be something, but could you pick at least one person to simply say “hello” to?) To the world you may only be one person. To one person, you may be the world! You can do it, MAKE IT HAPPEN!


“Serving all without exception-Open-Affirming-Inclusive-Care-Services-Worship”

105 S. 49th Street, Suite E

Omaha, NE 68132

(402) 575-7006

INCLUSIVE CARE-Pastoral Care, Funeral Ministers, Sacraments

INCLUSIVE SERVICES-Premarital Coaching, Life Coaching, Coaching for Couples

INCLUSIVE CEREMONIES [Text CEREMONY to 90210 for text info!]

Wedding Officiants, vow renewals, commitment ceremonies, and holy unions

INCLUSIVE WORSHIP-Lincoln, NE 1st/3rd Sun. 12pm-1 Fellowship. 1pm-Worship

INCLUSIVE OUTREACH-Community service outreach and volunteerism

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Saturday morning friends and family. How are you? For those celebrating Easter tomorrow I encourage you to remember that Easter shares beauty, the beauty of new life! May peace, thanks and joy be with you, your family and friends. It is my prayer that peace is something our world can get back into the business of. Soon!


“Serving all without exception-Open-Affirming-Inclusive-Care-Services-Worship”

105 S. 49th Street, Suite E

Omaha, NE 68132

(402) 575-7006

INCLUSIVE CARE-Pastoral Care, Funeral Ministers, Sacraments

INCLUSIVE SERVICES-Premarital Coaching, Life Coaching, Coaching for Couples

INCLUSIVE CEREMONIES [Text CEREMONY to 90210 for text info!]

Wedding Officiants, vow renewals, commitment ceremonies, and holy unions

INCLUSIVE WORSHIP-Lincoln, NE 1st/3rd Sun. 12pm-1 Fellowship. 1pm-Worship

INCLUSIVE OUTREACH-Community service outreach and volunteerism