Thursday, July 29, 2010

The 'normal' psychology of poverty

Poverty happens everywhere and anytime. In these economic times homelessness can land on normal people as suddenly as closing a deal or hitting the lottery. Herein lies the paradox... and begs the question - what is normal? "Normal" is often nothing more than our own image or persona projected on another. We have all said "if I were you" in an attempt to help. But how often is our advise taken? Not very. This is because we tell people what WE would and could do and not what THEY would or could possibly be ready to do. We all abide by social norms as a rule, but personal normal is as diverse as fingerprints and snowflakes.

Mental illness in the homeless has always been a snake that eats its own tail. It is the chicken or the egg, the cause and the effect. The new poor are not mentally ill but victims of society's ills.

Our task is not to compell them to be as we but to care for them as "normal" persons ought.

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