Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Time for change...

If you mess up, fess up! A great lesson that we teach children. A great example that those who are campaigning for political office right now have forgotten! I write each day with consistent focus of healing, life, light and love. Although my focus today has a slant, it too IS about healing, life, light and love.

2012 is a big year for elections in the US. We will vote to retain President Obama or elect a new President along with local representatives. In the US they use emails, text messages, magazine ads, newspaper articles, commercials and televised town hall meetings to campaign. I have been watching many of those who are running.

My views are based on what I believe to be true for ALL of those running not just the ones that I would like to see “win.” After reading, listening and watching polished remarks from those in left, middle and right; those who are blue, green, red and… Men and women, I am left starved! I am hungry for an elected representative to step up and say “WE” (I!) have made mistakes that “we” (I!) need to fix. Year after year, and now day after day I keep hearing excuses, examples of how things are bad and most importantly blame.

Giving blame for the condition of most every US issue/problem to the sitting President is simply not accurate. In addition it tells me right up front you are not worthy of consideration of my vote and if I had my “magic wand” I would not have allowed you to even run for office!

Represent means to serve especially in a legislative body by delegated authority usually resulting from election, having a specified character or quality , to give one's impression and judgment of: state in a manner intended to affect action.

How would we react to a statement like I voted on this and that was a mistake. Or we I do enough. I need to… What should I do? Will you help me? (I am sure we would say they are not strong enough and vote them out… )

George H. W. Bush asked Americans to help build "a kinder and gentler nation" during his Inaugural Address. He pledged "a moment rich with promise" to use American strength as "a force for good." I remember him talking about being one of those thousands points of light. I hope through all of the polished, rehearsed speech’s, talks and words that at some point we actually get to the business of healing this country, helping those who need it, keeping our country strong, safe and healthy!

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Inclusive Life is very proud to be a member of “All About Weddings”, a local organization focusing on bringing together premier local vendors that provide wedding services.

Inclusive Life is a member in good sanding with American Association of Wedding Officiants. We also partner with other industry experts like Wedding Wire, Eventective, Gathering Guide, Decidio, Wedding Manor, WedPlan, and My Wedding to provide networking abilities for those selecting officiating services as well as other ceremony services.


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