Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Morning

Good Monday Morning! For much of the US, we will be getting snow and ice in the next few days. I challenge each of us driving in it to give yourself extra time, be patient, be careful and be safe! PLEASE!

Salt is used to thaw ice-much like we can help melt fears and coldness for one another. Light shines on dark things and exposes what is there-much like we help one another see. We are the salt and the light of this Earth. What do you help melt, what do you help shine light on?

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Sunday, January 30, 2011

In other words...

Good Sunday morning world. I woke up thinking about generosity, being thankful, family and love. What was on your mind when you woke up today? Happy Sunday, may peace, love and health be with us all!

We are salt and light of this earth and for each other on this earth. We are to share and shine! Keep you’re your house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up to and for one another.

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Songs That Say Something

Good Saturday Morning to you. Anthony Hopkins plays a priest in the movie The Rite. One of the thoughts that I had when I came away was how blessed I am to have the life that I have lived so far. I hope you feel the same way about your life. Here is a song that says something…

“You've been through so much

Be Blessed from the bottom of your feet to the crown of your head

Your life Be Blessed

Your family Be Blessed

Your finances Be Blessed

Everything about you”

-Yolanda Adams

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Friday, January 28, 2011


Good morning to you! We have reached the end of the week, it does seem like a race to get there sometimes doesn’t it? I hope your week was a good one and that your weekend will be all you want it to be.

“May you always have work for your hands to do.

May your pockets hold always a coin or two.

May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.

May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.

May the hand of a friend always be near you.

And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.”

-Irish Blessing

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Good Thursday morning world! May you find a moment of peace and relaxation today to soak in this Indonesian Proverb…

Different fields, different grasshoppers; different seas, different fish.

Different men have different opinions; some like apples, some onions.

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Words To Ponder

Wednesday… How is yours? Five words to ponder today:

Listening, Meaning, Nurturing, Openness, Peace.

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Good Tuesday morning to you! You have received blessings in your life. Something to ponder today, is there a single blessing you have received that has deeper meaning to you than the rest?

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Sunday, January 23, 2011

In other words...

Good morning world, and Happy Sunday to you! I hope today you have time to stop and give thanks for your life, your world, and all the good things that are happening. Sometimes we get “excited” when things don’t go our way, or when things are bad. We, too, should get excited when things are going our way and are working out well!

The book of Matthew shares these lessons:

You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of the word.

You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you.

Only then can you be embraced by the one most dear to you.

You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are.

How are you blessed?

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Songs That Say Something

Good morning and welcome to the weekend! Many people are getting snow, some are getting rain, and others are getting sick! In any case, be well, be good and take care of yourself.

A song that says something: “Learning to Breathe” Switchfoot

That I'm learning to breathe

I'm learning to crawl

I'm finding that You and

You alone can break my fall

I'm living again, awake and alive

I'm dying to breathe in these abundant skies

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Friday, January 21, 2011


Good morning world! The week is almost complete, are you ready for the weekend? The quote for today fits nicely with another quote I share a lot (You may not get what you want when you want it. You will get what you need when you need it.)

“When the student is ready, the master appears.”

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Good morning world and a good Thursday greetings to you. Our proverb for the week is…

By learning you will teach; by teaching you will understand.

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Words To Ponder

Good morning world! Today we share five words and invite you to take a few moments to give thought to the meaning they have in your life…






INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Good Tuesday morning to you! I hope your week is starting off well. I read many interesting posts yesterday pertaining to observing MLK. I enjoyed reading those who were passionate about sharing quotes and positive thoughts about him. I was challenged by those who didn’t get it. And was turned off by those whose words were full of indifference, hurt, harm and ignorance.

Today’s question…What is one life lesson that you have learned so far?

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Monday, January 17, 2011

Today we celebrate the birthday and life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. For me, his name and all that it implies invokes great emotions, thoughts and wonder. I have yet to read any sermon, speech or statement that he offered that is not as relevant today as it was when he first uttered the words. I believe the legacy of his work will grow on forever.

"Let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring—when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children—black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics—will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"

In 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. inspired the world to "Let freedom ring.” He gave his life to make life on earth as it is in Heaven for ALL God’s children. Although he is “free at last”, we here on Earth have much work to do. Today, I give thanks for the life, love and sacrifice of MLK. A hero for sure, a Saint perhaps.

We can all honor his legacy by choosing to insure WE, let freedom ring!

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Another View

Happy Sunday world! Good morning. For many of us, it is winter. For us in Nebraska it is darn cold AND it is nice to still have sunshine. Last winter most of the winter was without sunlight, it was so grey.

"Come with me. I'll make a new kind of fisherman out of you.” We can live, or we can LIVE. Think about the choices you make of the lessons, love, and life you experience.

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Songs That Say Something

Good morning and happy Saturday world! I hope you enjoyed a great week and have plans for a good weekend. Today’s Song that Says Something comes from Depeche Mode. "Friends, if you've lost your way You will find it again some day. Come down from your pedestals. And open your mouths that's all. Get right with me.”

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Friday, January 14, 2011


Friday is here! I hope you had a wonderful week. I am mindful of those that are experiencing difficult times or health in their lives right now. I lift them in thought and prayer. Here is to a great weekend! What do you do to keep your life-fresh, alive and healthy?

“If wrinkles must be written upon our brow, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old.” - James A. Garfield

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Thursday, January 13, 2011


“Flowing water never stale” –proverb

Good morning! A most productive and busy day yesterday, I believe the same is in store for today. Keeping busy, engaged and “on” keeps us fresh and alive. How do you keep your water fresh?

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Good morning, good WEDNESDAY morning world! No matter where you are, no matter who you are, no matter what you are, affirm that you are beautiful, you are loved and you are worthy…just the way you are! Omaha is experiencing some colder weather and we have plenty of snow on the ground. It is winter. And this is Nebraska. Have a great day.

The ABC’s of Spiritual Literacy


Being Present




INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Good Tuesday morning world! In Omaha, we woke up to more snow. Schools are closed, again, today. To some it is a time of chaos and frustration. To others it is a time of relaxation and tranquility. Interesting how views can differ so much. Peace, Love and Health to us all…

Do you believe that one can be spiritual and not religious?

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Monday, January 10, 2011


The Message Podcast: Witnessing

How many times in our life have we witnessed?

How many times in our life have we participated?

How many times in our life have we allowed ourselves to just be?


Inclusive Life (Serving Eastern Nebraska and Western Iowa)

Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception.

(402) 953-5900

-Wedding Officiants

-Funeral Ministers

-Couples Coaching

-Pastoral Care

-Daily Inclusive Words on Facebook-Twitter-Blog

-The Message Podcast

-Online Counseling and Coaching available

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Another View

Happy Sunday brothers and sisters! I hope all is well this week for you. It is a little cold in Omaha as we received a little snow last night, beautiful white snow. Have a great week. May Peace, Love and Health be with us all…

After John Baptized Jesus, he witnessed that he observed Jesus receiving the Holy Spirit. Witnessing is participating. Have you witnessed someone getting life right? Have you participated in someone getting in right relationship? How is your journey?

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Songs That Say Something

LeAnn Rimes sings; “Commitment , someone who'll go the distance-I need somebody with staying power who'll make me go weak in the knees, commitment. And everything that goes with it. I need honor and love in my life from somebody who's playin' for keeps”

What do commit to, for, and with? You ARE Beautiful. You ARE Loved. You are WORTHY, of giving and receiving commitment.

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Friday, January 7, 2011


“There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Promises are like the full moon, if they are not kept at once they diminish day by day.

Intentions, promises and goals if not worked on, cared for and nurtured will diminish and soon be forgotten if not worked on day by day, week by week, for some hour by hour. A post-it-note on your mirror or car, a email to yourself, a reminder on your calendar, having a friend remind you are all ways that you can help keep that train on the tracks!

PS: Omaha was the scene for a deadly shooting/suicide yesterday at a local high school. An overwhelmed young man shot the principals and then took his own life. One principal died a short time later, the other will recover. Prayers for ALL families, friends and for this city are most welcomed, and encouraged. Sharing talents, treasure, and time in standing up for peace is needed right now. Tomorrow is not a day that is promised to any of us!

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Words To Ponder

WORDS TO PONDER: Acknowledge, Commit, Transform

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900 WEB: BLOG:

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter,

The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


What is most the most difficult “thing” in your life to commit to?

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Sunday, January 2, 2011


The book of Matthew shares the story of Jesus wanting John to baptize him. John thought he himself should be the one to be baptized. Jesus was steadfast that “his” baptism would symbolize the faith, the work and hope to make right.

I look at the story in great awe. It was Jesus (the teacher, the prophet, the great counselor, the Good Shepherd) that set the example, lead the people, and followed the word. What a great example of a leader doing what is right!

What do you commit to?

What do you choose to get right with?

Who have you chosen to get into right relation with?

What symbolizes your commitment to those pledges?

Peace Love and Hope…

-Chaplain Royal

INCLUSIVE LIFE: Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception!

(402) 953-5900

Wedding Officiants, Funeral Ministers, Couples Coaching, Pastoral Care, Facebook, Twitter, The Message Podcast, Online Counseling

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Songs That Say Something

Good morning world! Happy New 2011. I hope for Peace, Love and Good Health are in order for us all.

Today’s “Song that says something” is a Bon Jovi song, he actually helped write it… “You better stand tall, when they're calling you out. Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down. It's my life. It's now or never. 'Cause I ain't gonna live forever. I just wanna live while I'm alive.”

Several words speak to me in the entire song, especially “I just wanna live while I’m alive.” There is living and there IS living! Make time today, please, to give thought about your life, your living, you!

Peace Love and Hope…

-Chaplain Royal

Inclusive Life

Providing religious and non-religious care and service to all without exception.

(402) 953-5900

-Wedding Officiants

-Funeral Ministers

-Couples Coaching

-Pastoral Care

-Daily Inclusive Words on Facebook Twitter Blog

-The Message Podcast

-Online Counseling and Coaching available