Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Your Health

5 ways to improve health: 

1—Drink more water (cut out caffeine, pop, energy drinks)  
2—Eat fruits and vegetables (give V8 Fusion a try if you don't like eating them) 
3—Activity (walk, run, something!  Housework counts!)  
4—Reduce stress (especially at work-plug into your passions)  
5—Take time for U! (unwind, relax, soak in the moment and just be!  

If you don't take care of yourself, who will?  There is only one you, and we like it and want it to be around for a good long time!

Chaplain Royal
Inclusive Life is a non-profit Care & Service Group serving all, without exception. 
(402) 953-5900     www.inclusivelife.org
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Monday, November 29, 2010


Faith, Doubt, Personal, Trust, Love.

Inclusive, Open, Affirming, Reconciling, Love.
Religion, Denomination, Journey, Non-Religion, Path, Love
…and the greatest commandment IS Love.
Chaplain Royal
Inclusive Life is a non-profit Care & Service Group serving all, without exception. 
(402) 953-5900     www.inclusivelife.org
-Wedding Officiant
-Funeral Minister  
-Couples Coaching
-Pastoral Care
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-Online Counseling and Coaching available!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Message

Good morning and Happy Sunday everyone!
Romans 13:11-14 (King James Version)
And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.
Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.
One can interpret this passage for different meanings.  At the time, it was probably written for those just as it is written, asking them to snap out of their night of drinking, orgies and other lustful behaviors.  Today perhaps it needs a different context. 
We spend so much time working, living and trying to make ends meet to we really take time to think about spirituality, religion, faith, the scared, God, or other path you choose to live by?
To you make space and time to soak and immerse yourself in all you can, readings, community, prayer, meditation, lessons, practicing to allow yourself to grow, be challenged, ask questions, learn, share, give, take away…
Or do you attend worship once a week, give thanks and "leave worship" behind and get on with "normal" life without folding the principles, lessons, experiences you just had into that "normal" life.  Do you just go and hear some good music and few good words and feel good about having a good hour of time.  Now that worship has ended let the service begin is a way that a pastor friend of mine ends all of his services.  What a great message don't you think?
Sometimes, in our dark, lost, down and out phases of life we often forget to run towards light, friends, comfort for we get embarrassed, ashamed, uncomfortable letting others know of our failures, secrets, messy life.  And then often times we spiral into darkness, aloneness, leave me aloneness.  All along the lessons we have learned, the life we can have, the family we have can provide light, love, acceptance, forgiveness, wholeness, and help.
When you commit to learning and living a life according to the path you have chosen, you must commit to it full time, not part time or when it is convenient for you.  It is about striving to live a good life, being a good person and sharing that spirit with one another once a day, every day all day long.  Not just on the day of worship.
Now that worship has ended, let the service begin…
Chaplain Royal
Inclusive Life is a non-profit Care & Service Group serving all, without exception. 
(402) 953-5900     www.inclusivelife.org
-Wedding Officiant
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-Couples Coaching
-Pastoral Care
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-Daily Inclusive Words on Facebook-Twitter-Blog
-The Message Podcast 
-Online Counseling and Coaching available!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


"When the last thing we notice is the color of skin, And the first thing we look for is the beauty within.  When the skies and the oceans are clean again, then we shall be free.  When we're free to love anyone we choose, when this world's big enough for all different views.  When we all can worship from our own kind of pew, Then we shall be free; We shall be free!" 
What does freedom mean to you?
"Life, Love and Peace to you...",
Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 953-5900

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Friday, November 26, 2010

Family 101

"Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners, and necessity has made us allies. Those whom God has so joined together, let no man put asunder." 
I had lunch today with a long time friend.  Growing up he always said "I don't care if you become policeman, fireman, doctors or lawyers.  My hope is you become a productive citizen and good person"  AMEN!
"Life, Love and Peace to you...",
Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 953-5900

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Reality of People Living in Public Storage Units Captured on Google Street View – Poverty Insights

Reality of People Living in Public Storage Units Captured on Google Street View

We [Poverty Insights]have written a lot on this site about the tragedy of people living in Public Storage units. Heck, we have even drawn about the subject too.

Now it would appear this modern economic hardship has been captured on Google Street View.

For those who are not familiar, Google pays drivers to drive around cities with cameras mounted to the rooves of their cars. The images are used in Google Maps so people can see a picture of any street they are interested in.

While most Street View images are pretty uninteresting, I was looking through a blog that catalogues unique Street View images and came across the following picture.

I don’t know where this picture was taken, but perhaps this missing information underscores the point that there are people all over the country who are forced to live in storage units. It is said that a photograph is worth a thousand words, and indeed, images, like stories, can be powerful.

But this picture really caught struck me because it is so candid and unexpected. This is not a romanticized portrait of poverty. It is not a work of high art or cinemagraphic genius. This picture is more like one taken with a surveillance camera than a photographer’s.

Yet it is the very mechanized, utilitarian way in which this image was captured that resonates with me so deeply. This is the reality we have been talking about on this site, documented on a Google Map.

I hope we can erase this image from Google Street View. To be clear, I am not advocating censorship. Instead, let’s hope the next time a car drives by this Public Storage unit there is no one living there; no one who needs to live there.

However, we have to do more than hope. On Monday, Joel John Roberts wrote about how we need to consider building smaller housing units to help house those experiencing homelessness. I agreed with him before, and agree with him all the more now.

Public Storage units are small, and they do not have the proper amenities for living. Yet clearly people can, and do, live in small places. So why not build small units that are actually made for people to live in? A person living in their small apartment would make a better Street View image than someone forced to live in a Public Storage unit.

troubling...and revealing...

Brother Joe


When the doctor had an infant that wasn't doing well with meds and began to waste away, he would scribble a e prescription. The new doctor wanted to know what he prescribed.  A nurse said no drug, just 'Old Anna': a grandmotherly woman in a rocker.  Whenever we have a baby and all else has failed, we turn the child over to Old Anna. She has more success than all the medicine in the world. 
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving Day to Brother Joe and to those whom share the good word, the good life and those who help make life on earth as it is in Heaven. 
"Life, Love and Peace to you...",
Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 953-5900

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Help is a click away...

Part of being a brother's keeper is living intentionally. One of the easiest ways to start your day intentionally is to sign up for a reminder e-mail at The Hunger Site. You will receive a reminder in your inbox every morning and in 5 minutes, using the tabs on the hunger site page can already have given to hunger, cancer, child health and literacy charities...with a simple click.

Please consider signing up.

Peace to you,

Bro Joe


2 quotes to share: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us."  And "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." 
Where do you draw power from? 
What do you give power to?
"Life, Love and Peace to you...",
Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 953-5900

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

MIND body spirit

Many people walk around in a state of chronic stress: muscles tight, nerves on "edge" and ready to snap!  Sound familiar? The brain & body work unnecessarily harder, which causes fatigue, high blood pressure, muscles tire & patience wears thin.  SET LIMITS at work.  USE CIRCLE of friends & family to share support.  SET 1 health goal!  ENHANCE sleep quality.  TAKE 15 min. each day to sit & breath-pray-meditate.
"Life, Love and Peace to you...",
Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 953-5900

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Monday, November 22, 2010

Words to Ponder

Learn, Love, Live, Laugh

Run, Relish, Relax, Read
Patience, Practice, Pause, Partake
"Committing random acts of kindness needs no season...it just needs YOU!"
-Chaplain Royal Bush
105 S 49th Street, Suite E  Omaha, NE 68132
(402) 953-5900     inlcusivelife.org
-Wedding Officiant
-Funeral Minister
-Couples Coaching
-Pastoral Care
-Life Coaching
-Daily Inspirational Words
-Weekly Podcast, The Message
-Online Counseling services available

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday morning memorial for the homeless who have died on the street

A memorial was held Sunday morning in Austin Texas for the homeless who have died on the streets this year.

Good and Evil

In the book of Genesis shares with us the basis and foundation for what happens in the many books that follow.  The book of Genesis also incorporates the elements of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, the basis for life on earth, as we know it.

"Out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
Perhaps these are our roots to both right and wrong, nice and not nice, good and evil, white and black, dark and light or the other stereotypical imagery we conjure up when we think of evil and good.  What is evil?  What is good?  What do they mean to us?  What do they mean to others?  What do they mean to the world?
I can remember a time when I liked wearing diamonds and gold rings and bracelets.  There is nothing wrong with that.  I liked driving expensive cars.  There is nothing wrong with that.  I liked going out to eat all the time, with large groups of people.  There is nothing wrong with that.  I liked entertaining and picking up the tab.  There is certainly nothing wrong with that (especially if you were one of these people!)  I liked wearing nice clothes.  There is nothing wrong with that.  Is any of that behavior evil?  I don't believe so. 
I liked to show off my jewelry so that others whom I knew could not afford it see what I had.  I liked to tell everyone about the car I just bought.  When someone said thanks for buying my dinner I would say I enjoy helping out those with less than me.  I would point out how much my clothes cost.  And that, in my opinion and belief system IS evil!  It was wrong that I used what I had to make others feel less than, unworthy, unloved and certainly not beautiful. 
All the time I was acting like that I was feeding my ego, it was poison to my mind, body and spirit.  The Sacred would not want me to live like this.  Karma would teach me a valuable lesson, just you wait and see!
One evening, an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all."  One is Evil… It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego.  The other is Good… It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. 
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked, "Which wolf wins?"  The old Cherokee simply replied "The one you feed."
It did catch up to me and I got a big life time out.  It was time for me to sit my ass down, be put in the corner and was allowed plenty of time to think about my wolf, my poison, what kind of foundation my life was built on. 
It was difficult to get started.  It was hard to do.  It took a few angels poking and not giving up, but I got started.  I am STILL, to this day, working on building the house, and getting it!
We all have choices in our life.  What choices you will make, how you will make them, the reason(s) you will make them for are will all come from education, experience, passion, skills, and your ability to love yourself.  It is when you accept yourself, love yourself and take care of yourself are you in a position to care for, love and help others.
Today I am able to take the last of our bill money to pay for a bus ticket for a friend who needs to make a trip, whom has no money.  Didn't think twice about it.
Today I am able to spend time with someone who needs a shoulder, ear and a gentle touch when I had appointments or work that must be completed.
Today I am able to think about how my actions affect others AND actually care about the outcome.
Today I am able to know which wolf I feed and how to feed it.  Today I know that the choices I make are the choices I make!
Would you pray with me: "Heavenly Parent thank you for the blessing and rich life we have before us.  Thank you for the many time you have showed us grace and mercy.  Allow us the space, the time and the passion  to share grace and mercy on those whom we share life with.  We ask continued help to foster peace on earth, and good will towards one another this day and every day.  In you many names we pray, amen."

"Life, Love and Peace to you...",

Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 953-5900

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Friday, November 19, 2010

Children Need

Children need: GUIDANCE, actions speak louder than words.  HEALTHY HABITS, to nurture body, mind and spirit.  INSPIRATION, to explore beauty, wonder and mystery.  JOY, sprinkle laughter and happiness daily.  Children are hungry for these now.  Adults are in need of remembering we are ALL children.

"Life, Love and Peace to you...",

Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 953-5900

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Thursday, November 18, 2010


"Communication today is very different from yesteryear.  We are the world's first over-communicated society.  We now send more and receive less!!!"  People may talk less if they really knew how often we misunderstand one another.

Chaplain Royal D. Bush

(402) 953-5900

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Budgeting for...

 "The purpose of life is a life of purpose.  I am financially set for life… Providing that I die tomorrow!"  "It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."  I know it is easier to watch, read & listen; the financial health for you & your family is VERY important.  Consider trying a 80/20, 90/10, 95/5 budget.  Live on the larger number, save the smaller number.   Mint.com has great resources, free.

"Life, Love and Peace to you...",

Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 953-5900

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Feeding Soul

Spirituality is food for your soul. It can be anything that helps you understand the deeper aspects of life. One may feed their spirit by attending worship, going to a beach, hiking, meditating, working out, gardening, running, 12-step group meeting, or by reading. 

An activity that feeds the spirit and awakens your senses and your mind keeps your spirit alive.  How do you feed your soul?

"Life, Love and Peace to you...",

Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 953-5900

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Ghost Story

by Jack Compere

Editor’s note: Sometimes it takes a work of fiction to see reality. This cartoon by Jack Compere illustrates the moral disconnect that allows empty houses and homelessness to coexist.

Courtesy of Poverty Insights

Monday, November 15, 2010


"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."  What do you do purposely?


"Life, Love and Peace to you...",
Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 516-8475

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Sunday, November 14, 2010


When Jesus said that people do not live by bread alone, he not only spoke of physical hunger for food, but also the hunger we have the feeds our spirit and our minds.  Perhaps it included our hunger for love, a need as vital as breath.  Love is something you and I must have. We must have it because our spirit feeds upon it.

It may be good to receive it, it is much better to share it.

"Life, Love and Peace to you...",
Chaplain Royal D. Bush
(402) 516-8475

Inclusive Life "Because Everyone Needs Someone, Sometime"
Wedding Officiant-Funeral Minister-Couples Coaching
Life Coaching-Pastoral Care-Daily Inspirations-Weekly Podcast.

105 S 49th Street, Suite E
Omaha, NE 68132

Saturday, November 13, 2010


From our friends at invisiblepeople.tv

If I Had

"If I had a bell, I'd ring it in the morning.  I'd ring it in the evening, all over this land.  I'd ring out danger, I'd ring out a warning, I'd ring out love between, my brothers and my sisters, all over this land."

Thursday, November 11, 2010


St. Francis called the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the animals of the land to be his brothers and sisters.  In a moment when we need that smile, that nudge, that sound that touch there are our animals that we too call family.  Let us not forget their calming ways that make us childlike in an instant with affection and unconditional love.  Let us not forget to give them praise, care and thanks.

Feeling Better About Your Job

Feeling better about work: DO get plenty of quality rest.  REFOCUS on your strengths.  EMBRACE LIMITS, do NOT be a naysayer-adapt & move on.  DON'T ignore your unhappiness-explore options.  DON'T make huge lists-focus on here and now (current and next week.)  DON'T jump from frying pan into fire without having a solid plan.  And DON'T sell your talents, passion, education and experience short.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Public Storage is Affordable Housing of Last Resort

Public Storage is Affordable Housing of Last Resort

The refrigerator is the clue that something is exceptionally wrong where Sarah lives. With its spattering of magnets securing family snapshots, you would think the refrigerator was purchased at the local Best Buy and placed in a suburban home.

Sarah points out the photos like they are digital trophies of a life lost years ago. Some of the images depict two deceased sons. Others are of beloved family friends. At more than 60 years old, Sarah appears to be a grieving widow. Not too shocking for a person leaning toward the last phase of a long life.

It is the location of the refrigerator, however, that reflects her abysmal life situation. I am standing with Sarah in a small Public Storage unit in a rough Los Angeles neighborhood.

Sarah is homeless, but manages to use her disability checks to rent a tiny space that is supposed to be used for storage for middle-class excess. Instead, public storage has become a hideaway from the unsafe streets of America’s second largest city.

Hidden Away

As an executive of a homeless and housing agency, I have often heard the tales of homeless people living in Public Storage units. But no one on the streets was willing to reveal their secret hiding places to our street outreach teams until now.

When you walk into Sarah’s so-called home, you would think you are in some sort of messy college dormitory room, with its comfortable sitting chair, side table, television, and microwave. And, of course, the full standing refrigerator. Sarah uses an air mattress for her bed.

Her storage space is tucked away in the middle of hundreds of other units inside a large warehouse. There are bare light bulbs shining weak light, exposed wood trusses, and electricity. She rolls down the metal garage door and latches it from the inside for safety.

For the last two years Sarah has dodged Public Storage managers out of fear of being discovered. She knows the exact shift schedules of each manager since those are the times she has to scuttle inside of her hidden unit, as if she is some sort of mouse not wanting to be caught by the big old cat.

The homeless are often left doing the less than desirable to maintain themselves. Living in Public Storage was an alternative that my family also faced. This should not be. Pray and work for those whose choices are so limited.

Brother Joe

Coldplay to perform at Crisis Hidden Gigs

Coldplay's 'secret' Newcastle gig for homeless charity

MEGABAND Coldplay are to stage an "intimate" gig in Newcastle to highlight the hidden crisis of homelessness.

The "hidden gig" will take place in the city on December 20 and raise funds for Crisis, the national charity for single homeless people.

In their only live British performances of 2010, the award-winning band has agreed to play Crisis Hidden Gigs in Newcastle and Liverpool to raise money for the charity and increase awareness of the situation facing thousands of homeless hidden out of sight on floors or sofas, in substandard bed and breakfasts, and in hostels.

Friends of the band Ant and Dec will also be travelling home to Newcastle for Christmas, and have offered their compèring services for the night.

General tickets go on sale at 2pm on Friday and cost £50.

Tickets will be available via www.crisis.org.uk/hidden.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be."  Our lives are only as good as we decide to make them.  When things go wrong we should not be quick to blame anyone. This can easily become a habit supplying us with ready excuses for our own mistakes and problems. Let's examine our own actions and then decide how we should proceed.
Inclusive Life is a non-profit Care & Service Group serving all, without exception. 
(402) 516-8475     www.inclusivelife.org
-Wedding Officiant/Minister
-Funeral Officiant/Minister  
-Life Coaching
-Pastoral Care
-Daily Inclusive Words on Facebook-Twitter-Blog
-The Message Podcast 

Time Out

TAKING A TIME OUT: Close your eyes and relax in a comfortable position. Imagine yourself in a beautiful natural environment. Think of any place that appeals to you. Wherever you go, it should feel comfortable, peaceful, and pleasant. This is your time to be with the sacred, to pray, to give thanks, to be. Be sure to take a few minutes each day, do just "be."  

Monday, November 8, 2010

At In Self

At Home. At Peace. At Rest. At Last.

In Touch. In Tune. In Harmony. In Alignment.

Self Acceptance. Self Confident. Self Conscious. Self Discipline.