Saturday, September 3, 2011

Disposable Items

I have been typing, texting and leaving messages for some friends whom I have not spent time with for some time. They had not responded to any of the communications AND I kept sending them. I knew that they were being received and read. I got an note from them confirming that. Sometimes our friends and family are in different places in life than we are. Don’t ever forget, give up or stop loving them.

Razors, plastic bags, diapers, cameras are all examples of disposable items. People and relationships are not disposable, well, at least they should not be. How many times has something happened between you and another person and either you or the other person “quit” the relationship? Regardless if it is a neighbor, family, friends, co-worker, or…

In the service industry there is a saying that “it takes years to win a customer and only seconds to lose one.” Unfortunately we are a society that values temporary relationships (get what you need/want, quick gratification, and often place little or no value on long standing commitment, loyalty and value in building and growing with one another.

Running or quitting will not solve the issue at hand. It may relieve you have having to “deal” with it AND it will happen again with different people. You must forge your way through the wall despite how difficult it is. The reward will be greater than you can ever imagine.

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